Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry Milwaukee, WI

Cosmetic dentistry is the branch of professional dental care that deals with enhancing the appearance of your teeth, mouth, and ultimately, your smile. If your teeth become stained or discolored or suffer physical mishap and get broken, chipped or lost, cosmetic dentistry procedure can help correct the issue.

Essentially, a cosmetic dentist can offer appropriate treatment options depending on your condition. While cosmetic procedures are more often optional than crucial, certain treatment procedures have restorative advantages. Below is information to guide you on the different cosmetic dental treatments available.

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Types of cosmetic dentistry

Dental implants

The dental implant is a common and lasting solution for restoring the stability of your oral cavity. If you are missing a tooth or use removable dentures, they can present another chance to have the sturdy and beautiful smile you deserve.

Implants are made from titanium (and other materials) and are inserted surgically into the jawbone. Missing teeth weaken the jawbone, reduce your biting force and can alter your face form and smile. If you have trouble chewing or find your mouth’s appearance to be somewhat awkward, then implants may help save your smile.

How it works

One or more missing teeth can be expertly restored with dental implants. Before the procedure, the dentist will run diagnostics to ascertain the dental requirements. The initial procedures may include:

  • Complete mouth X-ray and CT scan
  • Bone grafts or sinus lifts
  • Removal of failing teeth
  • Prosthetics or temporary teeth placements
  • After the oral surgeon inserts the implants into your jaw, the bone will grow around the implant to support it. After the healing period — usually between three to six months — the implant will be ready for permanent crown placement. In rare situations, the dentist may place a restoration immediately. If the healing process is slower than anticipated, a temporary replacement may be necessary.


    Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the alignment of teeth and jaws to improve the appearance of the patient’s smile. Orthodontists diagnose, prevent and treat anomalies in the teeth using braces (fixed dental devices) and removable dental devices after taking off the braces.

    The devices are effective for teeth straightening, correction of an abnormal bite, filling unwanted gaps and aligning the teeth and lips properly. Crooked teeth are usually difficult to clean and are therefore susceptible to cavities or periodontal disease.

    Recent innovations in orthodontic treatment include better and more appealing (e.g., invisible) braces, removable devices or aligners. The transparent material ensures that the clear restorations look less conspicuous, although they are removable for brushing, flossing or eating. While aligners are more expensive, they may be the better alternative for an adult with mild alignment issues.

    The performance of the braces has improved, which means fewer treatment periods and reduced physical pressure on the teeth. Patients now have more treatment options and ultimately, a fulfilling restoration procedure.

    Dental crown and bridges

    Bridges and crowns are irremovable prosthetic restorations fused to implants or existing teeth. Crowns usually cover or “cap” an implant or impaired tooth. A dentist or prosthodontist may suggest a crown to:

  • Cover a dental implant
  • Place a bridge
  • Prevent a weak tooth from breaking
  • Cover a tooth after root canal treatment
  • Substitute for large cavities when tooth material is lost
  • Cover a stained or poorly shaped tooth

  • Spaces due to missing teeth may cause other teeth to shift, creating a bad bite or in worse cases, causing gum diseases and TMJ disorders. If you’re missing one or more teeth, the dentist may recommend dental bridges to fill the gaps. The bridges are attached to the implant or teeth near the gap.


    Endodontics in dentistry focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of the pulp within the tooth. A tooth is a composite of nerves and blood vessels. Tooth pulp or root canal infection usually occurs due to injuries or cavities caused by the accumulation of tartar on the teeth. Gum diseases such as periodontitis may also cause tooth pulp infection.

    Tooth pulp infection, when left untreated, may cause jawbone loss, resulting in severe deformation of the oral structure and the face. A root canal treatment performed by the endodontist to remove infected nerves and vessels is necessary when there are no alternatives to save the failing tooth.

    Inlays and onlays

    Also called indirect fillings, inlays and onlays are manufactured in a dental laboratory using composite resin materials. The dentist fuses them to the teeth with dental cement. Inlays and onlays are often recommended when the tooth has mild to moderate decay or much of the tooth structure is lost to a cavity.

    If the tooth cusps are not damaged, the dentist may place the inlay right on the tooth's surface. Otherwise, when the cusps or a better part of the tooth is lost, an onlay is used to shield the tooth’s surface completely. Inlays and onlays strengthen the teeth against further deterioration and repair their shape.

    Teeth whitening

    Teeth whitening or bleaching is a primary cosmetic dentistry treatment performed by the dentist. The whitening process involves cleaning plaque, tartar and other debris from the tooth to give it a better and natural appearance. Teeth bleaching is done using a whitening solution to provide the teeth with a much lighter hue than its original color.

    Over time, food, medications, drinks or lifestyle habits like smoking can cause teeth discoloration or staining. With a teeth whitening procedure, you can once again get a beautiful and radiant smile.

    Composite bonding

    Composite bonding is the process of fixing injured, discolored or decayed teeth with materials that have a similar appearance to the tooth enamel. The dentist first gets rid of the decay and places the composite on the tooth’s surface. Afterward, the dental expert will proceed to shape the composite properly before hardening it with high-intensity light. Bonding is useful for covering tooth damages and makes the tooth look natural.

    Dental veneers

    Made from medical-grade ceramic, dental veneers are designed specifically for individual patients to look similar to natural teeth. They are surreally realistic and can solve many cosmetic dental issues, including crooked or damaged teeth and teeth gaps. The dentist attaches veneers to the front side of the tooth with a dental adhesive.

    With cosmetic dentistry, you no longer have to hide your smile during pictures. Now you can beam more confidently and give your self-confidence a boost.

    Request an appointment here: or call Eastside Dental at (414) 888-4000 for an appointment in our Milwaukee office.