Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures to Improve Your Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Milwaukee, WI

There are many cosmetic dentistry options for you to choose from nowadays when you want to fix your smile. A smile is a social asset that makes people appear more sociable and attractive. Not being happy with the way your smile looks often leads to lower self-esteem and feeling self-conscious when interacting with others.

That is not really surprising, given the many negative assumptions that are often made about people with unhealthy-looking smiles. Many view these as signs of unattractiveness, aging and poor hygiene. There is no need for people to be ashamed of the appearance of their teeth. Here are three dental treatments that can be used to restore the look and function of a patient's teeth.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments to fix your smile

1. Teeth whitening

It is natural for a person's teeth to become darker over the years. This is usually caused by the food and drinks the person consumes, poor oral hygiene or bad habits like using tobacco products. Teeth also become yellower as a person ages, as the enamel protecting their teeth erodes, exposing the dentin, which has a yellowish color.

There are many ways to restore the natural white appearance of teeth. For starters, there are a wide range of over-the-counter products that can be purchased at local supermarkets. However, dentists have a variety of significantly more powerful whitening agents that can produce noticeable results after a single session. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a single whitening session can lead to teeth that are 10 shades whiter.

When getting whitening treatments, it is also a good idea to use a whitening toothpaste to help maintain your whiter smile.

2. Composite bonding

Composite bonds can be used to address chipped, badly discolored or broken teeth. It is one of the most affordable treatments performed by dentists and helps restore the appearance of a damaged tooth. Porcelain or ceramic resins are typically used to make dental bonds.

During the procedure, the dentist roughens the tooth to prepare it for the composite, then the material is applied directly to the tooth. The material is then molded into the desired shape before being hardened with an ultraviolet light.

3. Braces

Poorly-aligned teeth can be treated with braces. These dental devices work by applying pressure on the wearer's tooth, slowly pushing them into their proper position over time. Traditional metal braces are the most commonly used for orthodontic treatments, but these devices stick out like a sore thumb. That can lead to the wearer feeling self-conscious.

Fortunately, there are other options like ceramic and clear braces that allow patients to discreetly straighten their teeth. Unlike traditional braces, clear braces like Invisalign® are virtually undetectable in the wearer's mouth. In addition, these devices can be easily removed for meals and cleaning, making them a more comfortable option than traditional braces as well.

Want to learn more about the best ways to fix your smile? Schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with one of our dentists and explore your options.

Let's get started …

Request a dental appointment here: or call Eastside Dental at (414) 888-4000 for an appointment in our Milwaukee dental office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Cosmetic Dentistry in Milwaukee, WI.

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