How Do I Treat Inflamed Gums?

Wondering how you should treat your inflamed gums? While inflamed gums are indeed fairly common, it does mean that there is something wrong with your gums. It really is essential that you take proper care of your teeth and gums by brushing and flossing on a regular basis. If you do not, one of the symptoms for not taking proper care of your oral health is having gums that are inflamed. Once your gums have become inflamed, you will need to find a solution for treating your inflamed gums. This is the only way you can have a health mouth once again.

Reasons for inflamed gums

There are many reasons why someone would have gums that are inflamed. But bacterial plaque is the main reason. When the teeth and gums are not regularly and properly cleaned bacteria will begin to form along the gum line. This bacteria will begin to cause plaque to build up along the gum line. This not only causes the gums to become inflamed, but it is also one of the first signs of gum disease.

What are some other reasons someone's gums may be inflamed? Some reasons are: Oral infections, hormonal changes, mouth ulcers, allergic reactions, vitamin deficiencies, orthodontic issues and crooked teeth.

How to treat inflamed gums

The following is a list of treatment options anyone can use in order to treat their inflamed gums. These options will get them on the path back to good oral health.

Always use a soft bristled toothbrush

Many people think that if they buy a toothbrush with medium or firm bristles it will clean their teeth and gums better. But it will not. What dental professionals recommend is that everyone uses soft bristled toothbrush. This is all that is needed to remove any food particles, plaque or tartar from the teeth.

Brush teeth gently

It is not necessary to brush one's teeth with too much vigor. Instead, dentists recommend gently brushing one's teeth as gentle tooth brushing is less likely to irritate the gumline.

Use a sensitive toothpaste

Using a toothpaste specially formulated for relieving any sensitivity someone is experiencing due to inflamed gums is often necessary for them to be able to brush their teeth without experiencing any discomfort or pain.

Are you currently living with inflamed gums?

If you currently have inflamed gums, then you definitely need to find a treatment option so you can once again have a healthy mouth. We are hoping that the above options for treating your gum inflammation will work for you, so please give them a try to see if they do. If you have tried the above treatments or any other natural treatments you found for treating gums that are inflamed and nothing seems to be working, then your next step is making an appointment with a dental professional for a proper evaluation of your gums. The sooner you make your dental appointment, the sooner your gums can once again be healthy. We are here for you!

Request an appointment here: or call Eastside Dental at (414) 888-4000 for an appointment in our Milwaukee office.

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